“There is always someone less fortunate than you.” I remember my mother always telling me this as a child. When I was little, I remember my mom always tried to feed me food that I hated like hotdogs and peas. She would make me sit at the dinner table until I finished every bite. At the time, I thought this was unfair and cruel. Now I realize that I was greatful to have a hot cooked meal sitting in front of me every night, when there are starving kids around the world that don't get any food at all.
Also, when I was little I had a lot of toys, some that I didn’t even use. When my mom tried to give the toys I didn’t use away, I would get so mad at her. At the time, I didn’t realize that there were children that don’t have any toys at all, and it would be terrible to let my toys sit and go to waste.
Be thankful for what you have, because it might be taken away in the blink of an eye. There are always other people less fortunate than you so remember, be grateful and don’t take things for granted.